Just to give an update on my google survey, which was What social media tool would you use in your classroom?  These are the total results I have gotten: two edmodo, one facebook, one blog, one wordpress and one twitter.  Its pretty neat, it seems that everyone that answered picked something different.  
The second part of my tech task this week was to explore some of google's more hidden features.  I chose to check out the K-12 Google app.  It is actually pretty awesome!!  You know how teachers love to get free resources?  Yup!  This is such an awesome place to get some lesson plans and ideas, usually I would type in something to google to try to find ideas for a lesson plan and search through tons and tons of different entries until I found something good.  Now I can check the K-12 Google app before searching other sites, these lesson plans are reliable and creative.  I suggest taking a look :)
This week we were asked to create a survey on google docs and then embed it onto our blog and I am super proud of myself that I have actually accomplished this!  I wanted to keep my question relevant to what I have been talking about lately, so I decided to ask about social media in the classroom.  Please answer the survey :) I'd love to find out the results!